Friday, March 27, 2020

An A+ Tutoring Schedule

An A+ Tutoring ScheduleAn A+ Tutoring Schedule is necessary for a full-time teacher or for a student with less than a full time job. The common attitude among new teachers is that they can handle the workload and perhaps even handle one or two areas of specialization. While an A+ Tutoring Schedule would suggest that this is not true, nor is it wrong, but it is far too flexible for a full-time educator.With a tutoring schedule, you would be expected to know all the areas of specialization that you are likely to be teaching. For example, I have many areas of specialization and a sub-specialty. To keep myself busy, my family has found me a variety of different positions in the various health professions. Thus, for example, I may be a doctor or an orthopedic surgeon, or perhaps an orthopedic specialist.Some people would love to work in just one specific sub-specialty but their family simply can't allow this. Thus, the flexibility comes into play. Often, family and friends feel uncomforta ble at some point and a single-specialty may be too limiting.The A+ Tutoring Schedule would also suggest that a person who is a bit over-qualified (over-qualified to be more specific) for their job needs to choose their specializations and sub-specialties carefully. After all, if someone gets a good salary and offers the best benefits, they will take care of the rest. Unfortunately, this is seldom the case.One important area to be careful about is how you teach your students. For example, we find it difficult sometimes to teach mathematics. Perhaps they will become extremely smart students, and there will be many challenges for us as we try to help them get through those lessons.My son taught himself to read while he was in high school. He could never write and thus had very little motivation to improve his reading skills. In order to continue to teach him the ABC's, we had to do much more than read the text to him, we had to also tell him what to read, make sure he understood, and then read him the book himself.I think the common theme here is that you want to be more careful about the way you teach students and the challenges you put before them. Although it is not uncommon to have excellent classroom relationships, I would not want to continue this when teaching students who are reading at a very early age. It is quite possible that they will be reading for years to come.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Biology Tutoring One of The Best and The Unique Way to Learn the Subject in Easier Manner

Biology Tutoring One of The Best and The Unique Way to Learn the Subject in Easier Manner In school when we enter the high school, the science subjects get divided into three basic subjects and they are physics, chemistry and biology. Every subject is far different from the other and this is the reason why every subject needs special attention and special approach towards knowing it properly. Some deal with chemical theories and some deal with the speed and light theories. For me physics and chemistry were the scary subjects as it took a lot of time for me to know the subject well, still I was unable to cope up with the subjects. But biology was a student that I being a student used to enjoy a lot. It was interesting as well as much knowledge oriented. It helps you to know a living organism much better way. Biology Tutoring- Best and efficient teachers for better teaching purpose Biology comprises of interesting facts that is related with the parts of the body. It helps you to know a human body well. It is very much interesting to know that what the living body comprises of. Every living being is different from the other. The difference is not only on the basis of who the look, but it is also on the basis of what are the internal features that they have. The subject comprises of different types of interesting facts on different phases of a living organism life cycle. There are very few students who dislike this subject. But for those who cannot get deeper into the meaning of the subject they need the help of a tuition teacher. A good tuition teacher can help you to know the subject on a much better note. Web based teacher are now a day available very easily and within very less time gap. You can get and search any institute that provides you with the e-learning courses and admit yourself in the Biology tutoring classes that are available. Biology is a subject that is based on the study of how a life exists, how it survives and how it with every kind it changes. Biology also has a lot of categories in it and some of them are aerobiology, bio informatics, biomedical research, biotechnology, ecology, genetics, hematology, molecular biology, oncology, zoology etc. every category is specified to get into the details of some of the important disease or any body part and problems related to them. Online teachers help to know the subject very well. A student can get deep into the subject through the help of a good and expert teacher only. In today’s time it is the most flexible way of attaining knowledge as high qualified teachers are present to help you out through computers and internet connection by their side. The entire process of teaching and learning is conducted through the help of internet. Video conferencing, tele conferencing, online chats and emails helps the whole process to be completed. If a student wants to build up a career in life sciences and medicines then they should get to know about what and the inner circle of biology or living body organism. Any online teacher also makes a point to help a student to cope up with their weak points as well. Sometimes it so happens that the practical portion is also taught by the online teacher only and a student get more than what they wanted at one point of time. Biology Homework Help Online- Helps you in solving your homework problems as well When we sit to gather the benefits of an online teacher, the points seem to be less but the number of advantages are set high each time it is sorted out. It is the most convenient and the easiest way for any student as here you do not waste your enough time and energy and also you can avail the tuition classes anytime you feel. You can get the comfort of your home at the time of your class even. Biology homework help online is also a great benefit or say a good advantage that is provided by any of the online teacher. The homework is also been conducted with the help of efficient teachers by your side. This helps a student to grow an inner confidence in them and also helps in putting up a good reputation in the class or gearing up with the high grades.  A good grade is necessary for better future prospect. It is important for any student to know what they want to achieve and thus it brings in lot of satisfaction for any student in them. Biology Tutor- To increase your grades efficiently and instantly The online teacher is good with explaining a subject as well. When you got to know a subject well then you can easily go for much better explaining other as well. At a good e-learning institute you are sure to get this help only. The biology tutor who accompanies you with the subject is pretty intelligent and helps every student to cope up and strengthen the weak points very easily. TutorPace, one of the renowned institutes that provide you with the facility of e-learning course. The teachers are good, there is no time schedule for the classes and students as per their convenience can anytime attend the classes. Every student is given individual approach and every single teacher is allotted for every single student. It helps any teacher to detect the weak points of a student. The charges are very less and this makes the parents also breadth sigh of relief as they do not have to spend huge amounts for enrolling their child in such a good and reputed institute. It helps the parents to be tension free. Apart from that you are just a click away from such good facilities of a god learning process. So do not waste your time and enroll your name here as soon as possible, and you will be benefited.

Critical Reasoning Question 7-High School Curriculum - Private Tutoring

Critical Reasoning Question 7-High School Curriculum BobbiM Feb 9, 2014 The local high school students have been clamoring for the freedom to design their own curricula.  Allowing this would be as disastrous as allowing 3-year-olds to choose their own diets.  These students have neither the maturity nor the experience to equal that of the professional educators now doing the job. Which of the following statements, if true, would most strengthen the above argument? A.  High school students have less formal education than those who currently design the curricula. B.  3-year-olds do not, if left to their own devices, choose healthful diets. C.  The local high school students are less intelligent than the average teenager. D.  Individualized curricula are more beneficial to high school students than are the standard curricula, which are rigid and unresponsive to their particular strengths and weaknesses. E.  The ability to design good curricula develops only after years of familiarity with educational life. Think you know the answer? The correct answer is E. first, we need to understand the structure of the argument.  Here the statement, Allowing this would be as disastrous as clues us into the authors opinion.  Assumption:  One needs maturity and experience to design curricula.  If the assumption were true, the argument would be strengthened.  Check the answer choices, and look for one that affirms the assumption.  (A) is just a restatement of the evidence; this choice adds no new information. In (B) the argument made an analogy:  Allowing students to make their own curricula is as disastrous as letting 3-year-olds choose their own diets.  If an argument uses an analogy to make a point, it had  better do so effectively.  The better the analogy, the stronger the argument.  This choice does strengthen the argument by showing the analogy to be true.  But the question asks for the best strengthener and a more relevant strengthener may be present. (C) is a classic faulty comparison choice; it is also out of scope.  The author doesnt distinguish between local high school students and average teenagers.  Moreover, the focus is on experience and maturity, not intelligence.  (D) shifts the focus of the argument from who should or should not design curricula to what kind of curricula is best.  Notice the scope change in this choice.  Its tempting, especially since it brings up an intelligent point about tailoring to individuals, but thats topic for a different discussion.  The best strengthener is (E), citing the experience needed to design curricula.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Improved Academic Performance through Better Nutrition

Improved Academic Performance through Better Nutrition Improving Academic Performance Numerous new studies show a promising link between good nutrition and optimal academic performance. So, let’s explore whether you should start drinking green smoothies and munching on kale chips to increase your likelihood of getting that ACT score or grade you want (to use a few examples of strategies we've encountered...). Starting at birth studies show that nutrition can drive intellectual development, as children who breastfeed were associated with better academic and intellectual performance (Horwood et al., 1998). Indeed, Horwood’s study actually showed small but significant performance increase that was both pervasive across various standards and long lasting. A 2008 study by Florence, in the Journal of School Health, further illustrates the validity of this claim by surveying 5,800 5th grade students in Nova Scotia, Canada in one of the largest nutritional cohort studies ever done in schoolchildren. After assessing the students on several factors to measure the effects of diet quality on academic performance, multilevel regression methods were used and data was adjusted for gender and socioeconomic status of their parents. The data clearly showed not only an association between diet quality and academic performance, but it also helped identify specific dietary factors that contributed to this a ssociation (Florence et al, 2008). Tip #1. Breastfeed your children (if you can). So it seems like “we are what we eat” right from birth. If that is indeed the case, what should we be doing to maximize our academic potential in the middle school through graduate school years? You’ve probably heard about the “most important meal of the day”. Yes, I’m talking about breakfast! A multitude of new data is showing that consuming some tasty eggs or oatmeal in the morning after you wake up can have benefits ranging from metabolism stimulation to increased energy levels, increased focus and even weight loss! Indeed, a survey study of breakfast eaters vs. non-breakfast eaters showed that although eaters of breakfast generally consumed on average more calories per day, there was no prevalence of obesity or overweight tendencies in breakfast eaters (Barr et al., 2015). Tip #2. Simply eat breakfast! So far, the good news is that eating more food (such as breakfast) will make you more prone to better health and smarts! What if I now told you that eating fatty food would improve your cognition too? Sound crazy? It’s true! But not just any fats. So if you were on your way out the door to grab some Mickey D’s for your pre-study snack, think again! The fats your body, and more importantly, your brain needs are called Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCT’s). These fat molecules are able to readily travel the body and enter mitochondria, our cellular powerhouse, without the need of special transport molecules called chylormicrons (Page et al., 2009). They are found naturally in coconut oil and palm kernel oil, and medium chain triglycerides are also sold as dietary supplements. You will soon see that the last dietary tip in this article is to eat less refined sugars. Normally, your body burns sugar first for energy. However, MCT’s provide your body with an alternate fuel source that is readily absorbed and shown to increase cognitive performance. Studies also show that consuming omega 3 fats, typically found in nuts like almonds and fish like salmon, have positive effects on infant brain development, adult ability to focus, and Alzheimer’s disease. Tip #3. Eat good fats. This one might sound like a “no-brainer”, but genuinely ask yourself this question: Are you drinking enough water? Indeed, this is a question you have probably pondered many times before. If you are most Americans, the answer to that question is most likely “No!” A 2013 study by Riebl demonstrated mild dehydration (i.e. 1â€"2% body water loss) might in fact impair cognitive performance. So do yourself a favor and stay hydrated during those cram sessions! Tip #4. Drink enough water. There’s one more factor we shall discuss in regards to modulating diet to maximize academic performance. I’d like to call my friend Captain Obvious to the rescue here. Here’s what Captain Obvious has to say, “eating junk foods, especially with too much refined sugar, is bad for you, your health and your grades!” Indeed, a 2015 study by Burrows published in Public Health Nutrition demonstrated worse academic performance in Language Mathematics in students that ate unhealthy snacks at school. There’s a barrage of new research surfacing on the negative effects of refined sugar in particulr. Some studies show that refined sugar is just as addicting has hard drugs such as cocaine or heroin! How the sugar industry can get away with something like that is a discussion for another time. For now, steer clear of the Twinkies and Cheetos and opt for the apple and broccoli! Tip #5. Eat less sugar. Let’s sum up the dietary changes you can make today to improve your grades and academic performance: Breastfeeding: Okay, so this isn’t something a student can do, but it’s definitely something an expecting parent can take into account! Eat Breakfast Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCT’s) and Omega 3: Coconut Oil, Avocados, MCT oil, Almonds, Walnuts and Salmon Drink more water! Eat less refined sugar and junk food Whether eating healthy and good grades was something already obvious to you, or whether this information was new to you, either way, the science shows by taking control of your diet and nutrition, you can take control of your academic performance! Such research calls for emphasis on nutrition programs offered by schools to encourage healthy eating. Hopefully, over time, we can change our ways and develop a generation of smarter, healthier students! About the Author Gaurav Dubey is a biology, chemistry, mathematics, and ACT/SAT tutor from Naperville, IL who has worked with MyGuru for several years. He attended the University of Miami, where he earned his B.S. in Biology and his B.A. in Philosophy. He went on to earn his Master's of Science in Biotechnology at Rush University before working at the John P. Hussman Institute for Human Genomics and creating his first scholarly publication on using stem cells to create neurological disease models. Recently, he was accepted to the University of Miami's Miller School of Medicine to earn his PhD as a PIBS (Program in Biological Sciences Student). He is also the founder of The Biolitics Podcast, a show aimed at discussing modern day, hot button biopolitical and bioethical issues that are in constant debate. More than just a show, BIOLITICS is a movement that attempts to make science more accessible to everyone in hopes of inspiring minds, both young and old everywhere, to view the world through the lens of the natural born scientist we all have within us. References Barr, S. I., DiFrancesco, L., Fulgoni, V. L. (2015). Association of breakfast consumption with body mass index and prevalence of overweight/obesity in a nationally-representative survey of canadian adults. Nutrition Journal, 15, 10.1186/s12937-016-0151-3. doi:151 [pii] Correa-Burrows, P., Burrows, R., Orellana, Y., Ivanovic, D. (2015). The relationship between unhealthy snacking at school and academic outcomes: A population study in chilean schoolchildren. Public Health Nutrition, 18(11), 2022-2030. doi:10.1017/S1368980014002602 [doi] Florence, M. D., Asbridge, M., Veugelers, P. J. (2008). Diet quality and academic performance. The Journal of School Health, 78(4), 209-15; quiz 239-41. doi:10.1111/j.1746-1561.2008.00288.x [doi] Horwood, L. J., Fergusson, D. M. (1998). Breastfeeding and later cognitive and academic outcomes. Pediatrics, 101(1), E9. Page, K. A., Williamson, A., Yu, N., McNay, E. C., Dzuira, J., McCrimmon, R. J., Sherwin, R. S. (2009). Medium-chain fatty acids improve cognitive function in intensively treated type 1 diabetic patients and support in vitro synaptic transmission during acute hypoglycemia. Diabetes, 58(5), 1237-1244. doi:1557 [pii] Riebl, S. K., Davy, B. M. (2013). The hydration equation: Update on water balance and cognitive performance. ACSM's Health Fitness Journal, 17(6), 21-28. doi:10.1249/FIT.0b013e3182a9570f [doi]

The importance of reading for a child Why a good foundation is necessary - ALOHA Mind Math

The importance of reading for a child â€" Why a good foundation is necessary This recent article tells us about how SAT reading scores have hit the lowest point in 40 years, and this should definitely be a big concern to all of us. In a world where text messages are a major mode of communication, keeping the essence of the language alive can be quite a task for parents. Here are some reasons why reading is still an important foundation for our kids: Beginning to talk: Young children who are read to often, would be quicker to pick up words of the language and start talking early. Reading to a child can also help in making speech a lot clearer as these kids get to hear a lot of words and sentences at an early age. Enhances curiosity: A child who is just beginning to read tries to put together and read all the words he sees in front of him. This leads to a lot of healthy curiosity as he would want to know the meaning of longer words that he can read but cannot understand yet. Improvement of vocabulary:Once a child is 7 or 8 years of age, and able to read non-pic torial novels on their own, you will see a big improvement in their vocabulary. You will see them using new and longer words nearly every day. Make sure that you encourage your child to come and ask you for meanings of words that they might not yet understand so that their learning can be complete. The importance of readingPhoto courtesy: Better creativity: Children who read more would tend to start writing more creatively at a young age too, as they instinctively learn about story development through their reading too. This would be a good support for their language coursework at school too. Good communication: A good vocabulary leads to an ease of communication when talking to peers or adults. The ability to come up with anecdotes also is a contributor here. Improved confidence: When a child has a clear understanding of the language due to her reading, and can communicate well as well as contribute to creative assignments more easily, all this leads to an improved sense of confidence. Any parent would want to give their child all the advantages that starting to read at a young age can lead to. We at Aloha can also help your child with our English programs that include reading programs for kids. Please see our website for more details:

Teacher of the Week #4 Jessica SkypEnglish4U

Teacher of the Week #4 Jessica SkypEnglish4U Welcome back to our Teacher of the Week spotlight series. Today we have a very special teacher,  Jessica SkypEnglish4U Here is a video of her introducing herself: Jessica is a wonderful teacher with a great history of satisfied students.  She has also done a lot to promote italki and grow it to the community it has become today.  She is warm, kind, and fun. Jessica has 1633 completed sessions on italki with 353 different students. If you are looking to improve your English. Definitely book a lesson with her by clicking here. Teacher of the Week #4 Jessica SkypEnglish4U Welcome back to our Teacher of the Week spotlight series. Today we have a very special teacher,  Jessica SkypEnglish4U Here is a video of her introducing herself: Jessica is a wonderful teacher with a great history of satisfied students.  She has also done a lot to promote italki and grow it to the community it has become today.  She is warm, kind, and fun. Jessica has 1633 completed sessions on italki with 353 different students. If you are looking to improve your English. Definitely book a lesson with her by clicking here.

Language Audiobook Jackpot! 5 Sound Sources for Learners

Language Audiobook Jackpot! 5 Sound Sources for Learners Language Audiobook Jackpot! 5 Sound Sources for Learners Way back before the advent of television imaginations were sparked by stories told through nothing but the human voice and simple sound effects.Listeners imitated the iconic performances, from the demanding lilt of Mrs. Aldrich to the maniacal cackle of the mysterious Shadow.The stories of the Golden Age of Radio were so popular and engender such nostalgia that theyre  still easily available today, generations after their heyday.There are even websites devoted to the voice artists who gave them life.Now, nearly one hundred years later, we live in a new, exciting era: The Golden Age of Digital.Its a magical time, when human voices and creative sound effects once again combine, delivering stories that stir the imagination.These stories, now in audiobook form, are available throughout the digitally connected world, at the mere tap of a fingertip or the click of a mouse.For language learners who want to hear all of the rhythms, intonations and flow of a language, audiobooks are a brillia nt choice.We can savor audiobooks in many languages, absorbing not only the basics of grammar and vocab but the subtleties of expression taught by spoken word performances.So lets not wait any longer! Open your ears and get ready to conquer the intricacies of cadence and more with these audiobook resources. How Audiobooks Can Help with the Challenges of Learning to Speak Naturally in a Foreign LanguageGiving context to vocabulary learned in isolationMost of us begin learning a new language by memorizing vocabulary words and phrases in isolation. After all, you’ve got to start with the basics and build on that foundation.The downside of vocabulary memorization is that it doesnt give you practice with using new words naturally in speech.When youre writing words in another language, all you need is a grasp of their definitions, connotations and technical details such as how to write them in their native alphabets.However, to use them naturally in speech, you need to understand nuan ces such as intonation and rhythm. Audiobooks can help with that.Exposing you to the sublime subtleties of speechEven if you learn how to pronounce vowels and consonants correctly, you may be missing out on the finer points of how native speakers use non-verbal qualities of rhythm, intonation and flow to express themselves orally.To properly grasp the cadences of speaking, youll need abundant and varied audio and audiovisual resources. The more you expose yourself to the spoken language through tools like audiobooks and the ever-growing video library on FluentU, the sooner and better you can incorporate the natural sound of the language into your speech.FluentU  is a natural fit for audiobook-lovers, as it takes real-world videosâ€"like movie trailers, music videos, news and inspiring talksâ€"and turns them into personalized language lessons.Allowing you to focus on the spoken wordUnlike with watching television or movies, audiobooks let you focus just on what youre hearing. You won t be distracted by the visual spectacle of a chase scene, a car exploding, dynamic wardrobe changes or the dazzling panorama of a mountaintop at sunrise.Sure, youll be forming mental pictures as the book is read to youâ€"but your imagination will be fed solely by audio input.And while songs are useful for language learning, the melody can mask the intonation and rhythm youd hear when someone is just talking. Besides… how many people habitually speak to each other in rhyme or to a set beat?Being portable, practical and availableYou can listen to audiobooks anywhere. Enjoy them while your hands are busy, but your mind is relatively free. Indulge in them even when youre low on time or money.Audiobooks are available for many levels of language learning and innumerable interests. Depending on your level of learning, you can benefit from different types of books and varied techniques for learning from them.Letting you feel the beat of the wordsAgain, when you listen to music, youre hear ing words sung to an arbitrary beat. In ordinary speech, you can more clearly hear how syllables are stressed in individual words. In many languages, word stress can make a difference in meaning, so this aspect of spoken language can’t be ignored.Providing a way to tune in to intonationThe rise and fall of someones voice can change the meaning of what theyre saying.If youre studying a language like Mandarin or Cantonese, youre already familiar with toneâ€"the way the rising or falling of your voice changes the meaning of a word.Audiobooks are a fantastic tool for learning intonation, the way speakers of certain languages change the pitch of their voices throughout a sentence or paragraph to let listeners know more about what theyre saying.Unlike tone, intonation isnt about differentiating between similar words. Intonation uses non-verbal cues to express broader concepts such as the purpose of a sentence or the emotions behind it.Interrogative rise is a well-known type of intonatio n. Its the way the pitch of someone’s voice can rise as a sentence ends, indicating that theyre asking a question. (Its recent, widespread misuse has come to be known as uptalk.)Helping you pace yourselfSpeeding up or slowing down your voice as you speak uses pacing, the flow of the words, to express emotions like excitement or sadness.When you listen to audiobooks, youll become aware of how the narrator might slow down for a somber passage, then speed up their voice to indicate urgency or trepidation.From Listening to Speaking: How to Improve Your Foreign Language Speech with AudiobooksMix up your genresDifferent genres of books may cover different emotional registers, affecting intonation and word flow. If you want to broaden your understanding of these important non-verbal indicators, youll want to listen to both fiction and non-fiction books on a variety of topics.Keep your eyes and ears openTo become more fully aware of how the spoken version interprets the text, read the cor responding text as you listen. This helps your brain link the written representation of the word or phrase to its spoken counterpart. You can then consciously note the way tools such as flow and intonation are used to impart another dimension of meaning to the text.Audition different voice actorsListen to the same text being read by different narrators, mentally noting the differences in one performance versus the other. In this way, you can internalize the natural, individual cadence variations among native speakers.Take a turn at the micRecord yourself reading a familiar passage from an audiobook.  (Your smartphone probably comes with a simple audio recorder app for this.)Compare your recording to the professional version. Try to figure out how you might sound more like a native speaker.Language Audiobook Jackpot! 5 Sound Sources for Learners?Now that weve discovered how audiobooks can be used to learn cadence and other important elements of speech, lets look at five bountiful lan guage audiobook resources that will take you closer to sounding like a native speaker.The Book Whisperers: Amazon AudibleThe company that brought you Kindle keeps the reading flame burning with Audible audiobooks service.Audiobook languages:SpanishChineseEnglishFrenchGermanItalianPortugueseTypes of available books:Literary classicsContemporary fictionNon-fictionSpecial features:Audible lets you switch from one device to another without losing your place in the book. Start out listening to a book on your laptop during your afternoon break. Continue listening on your phone right before bedâ€"and dont forget to take advantage of Audibles sleep timer!The next morning, take in a chapter or two via your Echo Dot as your coffee brews in the kitchen. Grab your travel mug full of java and proceed to the car for your morning commute… and continue listening seamlessly on your mobile phone. (You can even repurpose that old Garmin or TomTom GPS device in your car as an Audible device.)With Whi spersync, now available for thousands of books on Amazon, you can switch back and forth between the e-book and audiobook version on the fly. This is particularly handy if you want to keep reading, but youre in a situation where you cant listen out loud and cant use headphones.To take advantage of Whispersync, you must:have a wireless internet connectionown the e-book (or have a Kindle Unlimited subscription) andown the audiobook (or have an Audible subscription).Average cost and format(s):Individual books from the Audible service vary widely in price.Another buying option is an Audible membership, which includes access to a new audiobook each month. You can try a free trial.Audible books are completely virtualâ€"all you need to access them is a compatible device and a reliable internet connection. Once the books are downloaded, feel free to enjoy them even when you’re out of WiFi range.Freebies on LibriVoxLibriVox is a labor of love. A multi-language library of works recorded by v olunteers, LibriVoxs mission is the acoustical liberation of books in the public domain.Audiobook languages:ChineseEnglishFrenchGermanItalianJapaneseKoreanPortugueseRussianSpanish…plus over 50 more ancient and modern languages, including Ancient Greek, Irish Gaelic, Tamil, Arabic, Yiddish and Ukrainian.Types of available books:Books on LibriVox are from the public domain (as defined by the laws of the United States). LibriVox boasts all kinds of genres, including these:Childrens booksHumorHorrorCrime fiction and detective storiesHistorical fictionPlaysPoetryRomanceWesternsNon-fictionSpecial features:LibriVox is interactive. If you dont see a certain favorite work, feel free to add it to the wish list in the Book Suggestions forumâ€"provided its in the public domain.If you need to report an error in a file, you can do so in this section of the forum. You can even participate by recording works for the LibriVox library, or doing  proof-listening for newly recorded works, if that app eals to you.You can easily browse the LibriVox library by language, genre, author or title.Average cost and format(s):As the name suggests, all books on LibriVox are free.Its easy to listen online using your browserâ€"just click on the play arrow next to a selected book chapter to start.You can download entire books as MP3 Zip files or Torrent files.Theres a free LibriVox iOS app for your iPhone or iPad and a similiar, low-cost app for Android devices.Books to Try on SpotifySpotify hosts millions of songs in hundreds of languages. But it can do more than just get your toes tapping!Spotify offers a host of foreign-language audiobooks that are a boon to language learning.Audiobook languages:ChineseEnglishFrenchGermanItalianSpanishTypes of available books:Childrens booksFiction, including classics like Moby Dick  and  Treasure Island  (translated into various languages)For some languages, such as Japanese and Portuguese, audiobooks currently appear to be limited to language-learning te xts. For other languages, like Arabic, Chinese, Italian and Spanish, Spotify offers language-learning texts plus a few children’s bilingual books.Spotifys French and German audiobook selections seem the most varied, although other language audiobook collections will likely grow over time.Special features:Enjoy the communal efforts of other Spotify users who have worked to compile playlists filled with language-learning material. Spotifys Search feature finds public playlists created by Spotify and its users, such as these, that will aid you in your linguistic quests:FrenchLivres Audio (French audiobooks), includingLe petit prince (The Little Prince)  LÉtranger (The Stranger) and other classicsLa poésie française  (French Poetry), with selections by Jacques Prévert, Jean Cocteau and Paul Éluard, among othersGermanGerman Audio Books,  including translations of Moby Dick, Peter Pan  and Treasure IslandSpanishAudiobooks in Spanish,  a collection of works by Rubén DaríoYou can a lso search for specific authors or book names, although the most relevant results will appear if you combine both in your search.Average cost and format(s):Spotify can be enjoyed with a free membership; if youd like additional features and benefits, like advertisement-free play, the ability to skip over multiple songs and offline listening, you can upgrade to Premium.Listen to audiobooks on Spotify in any of the following ways:Web player (which runs through your browser)Spotifys desktop appAndroid appiOS appListen Up: Audiobooks.comA dedicated audiobook listening service, gives its listeners an extensive library of popular books in multiple languages, in addition to language instruction as well as other fiction and non-fiction books.Audiobook languages:EnglishFrenchGermanItalianPolishRussianSpanishTo find fiction or non-fiction books beyond language instruction texts, trying searching for the language’s native name, such as polski for Polish, to get more relevant re sults.Types of available books:Childrens booksAdult fiction, both classic and contemporaryCollections of quotations from philosophers such as Thoreau, Plato, Confucius and KierkegaardHistory (non-fiction)Treatises on disciplines like architecture and designBiographiesSpecial features:Using a patent-pending technology, lets you move your listening from smartphone to laptop to tablet, without losing your place in the members can download books to the library on their own devices, making them available for offline listeningâ€"perfect for times spent in airplane mode or in places with spotty network coverage.Average cost and format(s):An membership costs about $15 monthly. One audiobook a month, which you can choose to stream or download, is included with your membership; if youd like more, you can purchase them with existing credits or through a feature called InstaCredit.  Membership affords you discounts on other purchases from the si te.You can listen to your selections on your iPad or iPhone, or using your Android device. also offers web-based listening on your laptop or tablet.Card-carrying HooplaYour public library card can be your passport to a world of online language audiobooks through Hoopla Digital.Audiobook languages:EnglishJapanesePortugueseRussianSpanishTypes of available books:General fictionNon-fictionSelf-helpScience fiction and fantasySpecial features:Hoopla provides ad-free content and no membership fees. Your borrowed items will be automatically returned to the virtual library after 21 days.Hoopla offers other digital media, including music, comics and e-books.Spanish is probably the highest-profile language on Hoopla (besides English); check out the following extensive collections of Spanish-language resources:Spanish fiction non-fictionSpanish childrens booksMi Nombre es Sara G. (My Name Is Sara G. â€" easy stories to practice your intermediate-level Spanish)Aver age cost and format(s):As its a program supported by local public libraries, borrowing from Hoopla is free. All you need to join is your library card number, along with a PIN.Hooplas media library can be enjoyed on a wide array of devices, including:AndroidApple (iOS)Amazon Fire Fire TVGoogle ChromecastWherever you find your foreign language audiobooks, dont forget to listen, imitate and let the spoken stories work their magic on the rhythm, pace and intonation of your speech.Just like the tales told in the Golden Age of Radio, language audiobooks can take you on an unparalleled adventure, as you transform from language learner to near-native speaker.

20 Awesome Blogs That Actually Help You Learn a Language

20 Awesome Blogs That Actually Help You Learn a Language On the hunt for the best language learning blogs on the planet?Well, Ive found 20 of the very best, and theyre yours for the taking.Let me clarifyâ€"these arent just informative resources.Theyre not just filled out with basic, lifeless facts and obvious advice.Theyre the type of blogs that are perfect for enhancing your language studies, sure to entertain you while also really getting the ball rolling on your learning of one, two or more languages.Theyll help you pinpoint the right techniques  and give you specific, tried-and-tested ideas that you can apply to your own acquisition of languages.They can also give you great insight into the language-learning tools and resources thatll work best for you.I know you can hardly wait to start reading, but before the blogroll, lets quickly look into some important points about learning a language through blogs. How to Use Language Learning Blogs to Your AdvantageTheir Mistakes, Your GainWhen it comes to learning, the folks behind these blo gs are likely a good number of years and a good number of languages ahead of you. And theyve made a whole lot of mistakes  as well and so are now in a position to dish out some really important firsthand insights and tips. Dont waste this opportunity: Gain from their personal experiences. You dont have to reinvent the wheel yourself because there are people who took the language journey ahead of you.Consider these blogs to be like travel journals for people, like yourself, who will follow and take the same trip.Read their language stories, and stand on the shoulders of giants. Start from a better place than they had when they were starting out.Their Methods, Your MaybeThis is the antithesis of the previous point.You shouldnt necessarily take everything experienced learners tell you hook-line-and-sinker. In fact, most of the folks behind these blogs would probably be the first ones to tell you that theres no one best way, no foolproof method to fluency. Theyre just telling you what w orked for them and what didnt.We all take different roads to the same destination. And learning a new language is as much about learning about yourself as it is about learning new ways of talking. You have to decide which insights, tips  and tricks  from these posts resonate with you. You cant read blogs and consider them dogma. You have to make your own decisions. You have to actively participate in your learning.Their Suggestions, Your ActionSpeaking of actively taking part in your learning, realize that you still have to actually do the dirty work: talking with native speakers, putting vocabulary into memorable contexts, finding language learning partners, researching special points of grammar, learning about the culture, etc.You have to get moving, get speaking, actually open your mouth in the target language. You cant just be sitting around all the time reading all these blogs. You have to actually put into daily application the tips and techniques these bloggers dish out. Its not enough to know these tips. You have to live them.So also consider these blogs as traveling companions. Its nice to have them along, but you actually have to take the literal steps in order to reach your destination.Now that you know how to learn best with these blogs, lets move on to the blogs themselves!20 Awesome Blogs That Actually Help You Learn a LanguageThe Mezzofanti GuildLanguage Focus: General/multiple languagesThe Mezzofanti Guild is named after the Italian hyper-polyglot Cardinal Giuseppe Caspar Mezzofanti, whos considered to have been fluent in more than 35 languages.The guy behind the blog is the famous Australian polyglot Donovan Nagel, who speaks English (native), Egyptian Arabic, Korean, Russian, Irish, Ancient Hebrew and Greek.Like many other bloggers in this list, his unquenchable passion for languages became the raison dêtre for the blog, providing motivation to power through the time-consuming task of writing great content for readers and language learners.S peaking of great content, are you currently experiencing a learning plateau? Read his post  How to Easily Get Beyond Language Learning Plateaus  and discover how to get over those psychological humps.5-Minute LanguageLanguage Focus: General/multiple languagesFor anybody who always says he’s too busy to be learning a new language, Agnieszka Murdoch has set up a blog that contains posts that can be read in five minutes. The blog is eminently practical and actionable because how to articles take up almost half of the content available.Agnieszka is a living testament that it is indeed possible to learn a new language while maintaining a busy lifestyle. Shes learned several languages while having a full-time job. And, if she can maintain a blog, run webinars and hold language masterclasses and still continue to be a language learner herself, then there’s really very little excuse for the rest of us.And in that vein, why dont you read her post 12 Things Ultra-productive Language Learn ers Do Differently  and pick up learning gems that you can apply in your own journey. (And check to see if you indeed finish reading it in under five minutes!)FluentU Learner BlogsLanguage Focus: General/multiple languagesAs you may already know,  FluentU takes real-world videosâ€"like music videos, movie trailers, news and inspiring talksâ€"and turns them into personalized language learning lessons.But FluentU not only houses the webs best collection of authentic language learning videos, it actually has a growing family of blogs that cover the worlds major languages:ChineseSpanishFrenchGermanJapaneseEnglishItalianArabicRussianKoreanPortugueseThey not only feature insightful posts from language experts and top language learners, theyre also fat with links to the best resources out there for learning languages.So whether youre setting your eyes on Chinese, Spanish, French or German, the FluentU team has got you covered with some very practical and actionable information thats sure t o be effective in your linguistic endeavour. And even if youre not learning one of the above languages, you can still find plenty of insights and tips on our general blog for all language learners right here.Heres just a small sampling of language-specific posts from FluentUs bloggers:The 7 Best Korean Movies on Netflix to Level Up Your Korean17 Superb Websites to Amp Up Your Spanish Listening PracticeHow to Learn German Faster with AudiobooksActual FluencyLanguage Focus: General/multiple languagesThis blog came about as a way to chronicle a person’s linguistic journey. And what started out as an exercise in personal improvement is now a top resource for language learners around the world, inspiring disillusioned learners to continue along the path despite the leaps and hurdles along the way.Kris Broholm is down-to-earth, honest and relatable, and his articles reflect this. The blog is a good starting point for those who want an extensive description and explanation of the leading language learning products and programs available today.Read his review of Benny Lewiss Language Hacking: German to learn what he thinks about the product.I Will Teach You A LanguageLanguage Focus: General/multiple languagesGutsy name for a blog. But maybe you would be a little more than self-confident if, like the blog ownerâ€"Olly Richardsâ€"you could speak eight languages. Youd probably be doing something right. And you probably couldnt be stopped from shouting your secrets and sharing them with mere mortals.Olly is dishing out the 411 on the things that worked and are working for him. The guy is very personable and actually very down-to-earth. The blog does give you great language tips, techniques and tricks, but more than that, Olly’s posts are quite personal and you get the sense that hes really opening up on what he, as a language learner, is going through, sharing with you the ups and downs, the triumphs and defeats of the linguistic journey. The effect on the reader is t hat of quiet inspiration.His uploads are fat with content and well thought-out. He even has videos for you. In this one, he explains to beginners the specific routines he uses when learning languages.If you love learning from Olly, then you might also want to try out his latest and greatest course offerings, like Conversions, Grammar Hero or the Uncovered series (covering popular languages with targeted course options like French Uncovered, Spanish Uncovered, German Uncovered and Italian Uncovered).The Conversations course is designed to get you to conversational mastery within 90 days, so youre speaking like a native faster than you thought possible. Grammar Hero  is a must for anyone who struggles with the building blocks of languages. And the Uncovered courses are longer-term programs to take students from beginner to intermediate levels with 100+ hours of study time and interactive learning modules that harness the power of storytelling and imagination.Speaking LatinoLanguage Fo cus: SpanishYou know the saying the best way to learn something is to teach it? Well, heres where you begin to distance yourself from the pack, because this ones actually a blog for teachers of Spanish.And the most rocking thing about this one are the teacher materials, activities and resources  that you find in the blog. Youll get access to topically structured lessons that you can actually use for yourself. And because theyre often intended for young beginners of Spanish, you can be sure that youll have no difficulties in digesting the material.Instead of making the study aids yourself, you can just get them here. So in essence, you are your very own teacher and you cut out the middleman. In the post 7 Spanish Songs for Kids to Sing Along With,  youll find catchy tunes thatll make learning Spanish seem like a vacation.Mandarin HQLanguage Focus: Mandarin ChineseMandarin is spoken natively by around 873 million people, and over a billion as a second language. If you want to add your self to that number and learn the language, you dont want to miss this blog co-founded by Angel Huang.Mandarin HQ sets out to bridge the gap between the kind of Chinese you read in textbooks and the kind of Chinese you hear in the streets. So in the posts, youll read about grammar, vocabulary and phrases as theyre used in day-to-day communication. The lessons and posts have a rubber-meets-the-world flavor and will get you to a place where you can have meaningful conversations with other speakers.Good thing about this is that you wont just be reading textsâ€"their videos actually allow you to hear how the language sounds. For example, in the The 5 Most Common Yes/No Questions Foreigners Get Asked in China,  you have a video showing you how the questions might be thrown your way in real-world situations.Alex RawlingsLanguage Focus: General/multiple languagesIn 2012, in a competition run by Harper Collins, this blogs founder was named as the most multilingual student in Britainâ€"after being tested for fluency in 11 different languages. So if there’s someone who can claim that he’s especially good at languages, it would be Alex Rawlings.His posts, such as Catalan or Spanish: Deciding which language to speak in Barcelona, are a breeze to read. If you read them out loud, theyd be quite conversational. And hes really blogging, folks, not just writing language lessons. He really lets you in on his thought processes and  opens up on the struggles in his journey, which is ultimately motivational for us, his readers, who might not be so gifted. Just knowing that somebody like Alex struggles with language makes our fumbles more bearable. This blog will make you feel that, as well as teach you some pretty neat language learning techniques.Omniglot blogLanguage Focus: General/multiple languagesIf youre just really in love with languages, then you should check out this blog. Its for people who simply love words, in whatever tongue they may be. It contains the linguistic musings of Simon Ager, a Welsh guy who spends serious time making great content for the blog.You’ll find information thatll make your day. The blog talks about things like why the Japanese say ???? (moshi moshi) when answering the phone or what the Scots call ATM machines.Most other blogs here are centered on speaking the languageâ€"teaching you, for example, how to ask where the nearest train station is or how to say Do you come here often? This blog stands apart in that, in addition to all that, the written form of the language is given its time to shine. So if you want to know the worlds alphabets, writing systems and scripts, Omniglot will be your best bet.A Polyglot WorldLanguage Focus: General/multiple languagesHere youre entering the world of polyglots, guys and gals who seem to be freakishly great at absorbing different languages. But in this world, you dont feel like an outsider, but a welcomed member of the gang, even if youre still working on your first foreign languag e.Youll get posts like The 9 Habits of Highly Effective Polyglots,  where youll learn language learning tips from the worlds best polyglots as they share what worked for them and what pitfalls to look out for.Youll also read their inspiring stories and come out believing that you, too, can be a polyglot, or just tame that language youve had your eyes on for the longest time.Multilingual LivingLanguage Focus: General/multiple languagesThis ones a blog for parents. (I can already hear you saying, Hey!)Maybe you happen to be a parent, but if youre not and have no immediate plans of being one, you might not be able to see, on the surface, what this blog could do for you. But the thing is, with blogs like this, as with teacher blogs, you get to see the behind-the-scenes of the learning process. Because youre using a third-person perspective, reading posts about how to best raise a multilingual child, the veil of language learning is pulled back and you get a meta-education that puts you in a better position to pick the learning system, method or technique that works for you.Explore the blog and youll realize theres so much in here that can resonate with you.  The post Why Should Parents Talk to Their Children in Their Native Language?  is just one example.Create Your World BooksLanguage Focus: General/multiple languagesIf you love reading, if you love to travel, if you adore languages and if youre interested in how music and songs can be tools in language learning, then youve hit a great four-point combo with this blog.Its from Susanna Zaraysky, whos been featured in major media outlets from CNN to the BBC. Shes a writer, traveler and language learner. And perhaps you can add to the list social observer and philosopher.Besides posts that reveal her intellectual bent, youll come away realizing how important learning a language really is, how it enriches your life as a whole, opening opportunities and building bridges where no connections formerly existed. Zarayskys post about linguistic snobbery and how it blocks language learning perfectly exemplifies this philosophy.Language MasteryLanguage Focus:  General, Mandarin Chinese, JapaneseThis blog is from John Fotheringham, a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner who also happens to be a linguist and author and has been teaching languages for over 10 years.Immersion is a big deal, but posts like Myth:  You Have to Move Abroad to Learn a Language Well  explain why you dont need to move to China to learn Chinese. This blog lets you in on the ways you can learn a language without breaking the piggybank. Youll get a fun trip to language-land, sans the boring textbooks, being nudged instead towards the creative use of technology for that much-needed immersion.Reading the posts here, itll be impressed upon you that you dont need to be gifted in order to learn a second or a third language. You only need the right tools and the right attitude. And the right tools come aplenty in this blog.Speaking FluentlyLan guage Focus: General/multiple languagesHeres something from a guy who has studied 40 languages. (Listen to him speak in 16 of them.) Imagine what he could teach you.Well, hed be the first to say that theres no one learning system that trumps all of them. So youll not just get a list of tricks in learning, although there are plenty of those in the blog. Youll also get to explore the different facets and issues in learning a language. And by reading the blog, youll get a bigger picture and a deeper understanding of languages in general.Read his post Whats a Rusty Language?  and better understand how to scrape off the rust in your non-native tongue.Oui, cest ça!Language Focus: FrenchThis ones from Marie, who admits that the idea of the blog came to her when she saw that many online French learning materials were written in French, and thought that something ought to be done about it. While not dismissing the immersive nature of authentic material (shes known to write entries exclusive ly in French from time to time), she sought to create a blog thats fun, practical and accessible to English-speaking learners.Her post How to Pay at the Restaurant  is a good example of the flavor of this blog.Shes a seasoned French teacher from Canada who has taught the world over. And when I say the world over, I mean Japan, British Columbia, Seattle, Costa Rica and Morocco.  You know youre in good hands when the lady writing the blog youre reading has a masters degree in French literature and a B.A. in the French language.German is easy!Language Focus: GermanNow it takes serious guts to say that German is easy. And yet those are the very words on this blogs homepage.But dont be intimidated. The blog is from a fellow language learner whos now teaching to others the lessons hes learned over the years. It has sections like Word of the Day,  which is a great vocabulary builder, Work Out,  where your German gets tested and honed with activities and exercises and Cool Links,  which giv es you a portal to some pretty awesome German language learning content.Read this  post where he adeptly expounds on the German  word alle  (all).And  know that this blogger doesnt take himself too seriouslyâ€"as when he revealed his love for yawning, saying Sometimes when I have a headache I keep yawning for half an hour straight and they go away.Becoming Italian Word by WordLanguage Focus: ItalianLearning a language one word at a time is certainly a good idea. And youll learn not just vocabulary and grammar on this blog. Youll get the whole shebang.This blog gives you a look into the rich Italian culture, its different facets and features. Dianne Hales is the dame behind it. She wrote a book entitled La Bella Lingua, which has so contributed to the promotion of Italian language and culture that she was conferred the title of Cavaliere dell Ordine della Stella della Solidarietà Italiana  (Knight of the Order of the Star of Italian Solidarity) by none other than the Italian preside nt.But just to be assured she doesnt let the accolades go to her head, take a look at the down-to-earth post Washing Up in the Italian Language,  where she dives into the mystery of why there are no washcloths in Italy.All Japanese All The TimeLanguage Focus: JapaneseHeres the simple but deeply philosophical tagline of this blog:You dont know a language, you live it. You dont learn a language, you get used to it.That sums up what the blog, and its author, Khatzumoto,  is all about. That and the philosophy of taking everything that schools do that sucks and…not doing it. And then doing other stuff, that doesnt suck, instead.The blog is approachable with its language, even rambling sometimes, but its actually very deep and intelligent. You get the sense that the person behind the posts is someone who has a strong affinity for books and stays for hours at cafés reading.Its also very practical, providing lots of tips for Japanese language learners. For example, this post on  vocabula ry lists gives you tips on using them correctly.LingholicLanguage Focus:  General/multiple languagesLingholic was designed to be a place for polyglots and language learners to congregate and help each other out. Its accompanying blog reflects this vision and contains helpful tips on learning languages in general as well as some language-specific tricks and techniques.In addition to the usual serious posts that are bursting with language hacking tips, articles like 10 Things Non-language Learners Will Never Understand  and 8 Signs Youre a Language Learning Addict  seem to say, Hey, everythings going to be just fine!Lingholic was founded by Canadian Sam Gendreau, an active and inspiring character in the language learning circuit.Hangukdrama KoreanLanguage Focus: Korean, JapaneseYou get a double hit with this blog, which contains tips and resources on two rich Asian languages that are increasingly having an impact on the international scene: Korean and Japanese.This blog is over five years old and houses around 1,000 postsâ€"from personal stories of learning languages to resource recommendations. Its run by Shanna, a Singaporean girl who took it upon herself to study these languages. She writes some posts in Chinese and others in Korean, but most are in English.In Self Study vs. Foreign Language Lessons,  she talks about the pros and cons of self-study and formal lessons. It might prove instructive for how youre going to manage the task of learning a foreign language yourself.There you go! 20 of the best language learning blogs out there.Theyre yours for the taking.But as always, dont forget: You have to actually do the dirty work!Dont just read these blogs, live them.

What Is a Radical in Chemistry?

What Is a Radical in Chemistry?When I first learned about radicals, I was amazed that someone would be talking about them. I thought that they were the guys who just threw things at people when they pissed them off or stood around talking while cars went by on the freeway. But then I learned that radicals were actually used in science for their positive effects on the body and not just for messing with people. You can use them to reverse hair loss, improve skin tone, stop premature aging, improve cardiac health, treat skin cancer, treat cell damage, treat neurological disorders, help prevent wrinkles, and even help in certain types of strokes.In order to understand how to utilize radicals, you have to understand what it is. A radical is simply a molecule or group of molecules that are broken down into smaller molecules or ions by another molecule. That is the definition in plain English. If two different molecules (or even a single molecule) want to break down into smaller molecules, they will do so through the action of a radical.For example, light therapy uses light to stimulate the collagen and elastin in the skin to grow back faster. The light causes this growth and then the process is reversed with a laser. Both of these treatments, using light to stimulate the growth of cells and the use of a laser to reverse that growth, both use radicals to do their job. These are not just any old molecules though, as there is a process involved.What makes radicals such an important part of modern day medicine is that they are so effective. They are usually antioxidants or scavengers that work inside the body and are broken down to smaller molecules by the liver and kidneys. They are the ideal 'work horse' of the body. They can flush out the toxins that our bodies store in our tissues, our muscles, and in our organs. They also clean up cells break down proteins and produce some antioxidants.When a person has a disease that is causing abnormal deposits in the body, he or she will benefit from having a high intake of antioxidants in their diet. However, our body may not be able to produce enough antioxidants to achieve this, and this is where radicals come in. The theory behind using a strong antioxidant in your diet to help keep cells healthy is that it will stimulate more production of antioxidants and when the body has more of these molecules, it will be able to release them from the cells more quickly.If you take too much, the body may over stimulate and make you very sick, but if you take the correct doses, you will actually get better from the higher dose of antioxidants. It's like a cycle, but it goes on forever. When the antioxidant levels go down in the body, the radical levels increase and then your cells are able to function again and fight off more pathogens and other diseases.Radicals are becoming more important to the people of today. It seems that there is no end to what they can do to make our bodies healthier. If you are interested in knowing more about the ways that radicals can benefit your health, you should take a look at the latest book that I am talking about and make sure that you are checking out the book before you purchase it.